(to download a copy of the course list click
here) |
Art Appreciation |
Kathleen Cocking |
845 1553 |
2nd Tuesday
1.30 - 3.30pm |
Taradale Library |
Astronomy |
Les De Frere |
8703634; 0275270067 |
1st Thursday after 2nd
Wednesday of the month (1:30pm) |
NBHS Planetarium |
Bon Vivant Group |
Jenny Garrett |
027 293 2669 |
4th Wednesday - various times |
Various |
Book Group |
Vic Chick |
843 3474 |
2nd Friday
2.00pm |
Private Home |
Classical Music |
Lester Calder |
027 234 7050 |
4th Thursday at 1:30 pm |
Private Home |
Community Affairs |
Franki James |
8435926 |
1st Monday 9.30 - 11.00am |
Taradale Senior Citizens Hall |
Contentious Issues |
Keith Rowe |
021 258 5298 |
1st Thursday
1.45 - 4.00pm |
Mission View Village Hall |
Dipping into History |
Wynn Barnett |
844 2329 |
2nd Monday 2.00 - 4.00pm |
Mission View Village Hall |
French Conversation Beginners |
Marion Sturm |
844 8872 |
Mondays 10.30 - 12.00pm |
36 Churchill Drive Taradale |
French Conversation Middle |
Lynn Lusby |
021 250 6638 |
9.30 - 10.30am |
Taradale Library |
French Conversation |
Franki James |
Fridays 10:00 -11:00 am |
Private home |
Gardening |
Christine Smith |
027 632 6973 |
Geography |
Tony Smith |
021 035 9314 |
1st Friday 10.00 - 11.30am |
Mission View Village Hall |
History |
Chris Geddis
OR |
835 3009 |
2nd Wednesday
1.45 - 4.00pm |
Taradale Senior Citizens Hall |
Norma Sinton |
844 8388 |
Leisure Cycling |
Vince Allcock |
Group. Pedal Power are welcome to come along. Every
Thursday |
Lunch 3 |
Pam Medcalf |
835 8231 |
1st Friday
12.00pm |
Various |
Mahjong |
Bev Doohan
OR |
845 3834 |
Tuesday 9:15 for 9.30 am start |
Taradale Bridge Club Rooms
Park Island |
Joy Lawrence |
Photography |
Shirley Pattison |
4th Tuesday 1.30 - 3.30pm |
Mission View Village Hall |
Poetry Reading |
Sonia Mackenzie |
844 4834 |
1st Wednesday 2.00pm |
Private Home |
Rummikub |
Russell Drieberg |
844 0303 |
1st & 3rd Monday 1:30-4:00 pm |
Mission View Village Hall |
Religion:Multifaceted and Diverse Human Phenomenon |
Keith Rowe |
021 258 5298 |
6 week Winter Course Only |
Scrabble |
Marion Sturm |
844 8872 |
Thursdays 2.00pm |
Taradale Library. (ask at desk) |
Stories of the past for the future |
Sonia Mackenzie |
844 4834 |
2nd Thursday 10.15am |
Private Home |
Te Reo Maori |
Claire Donkin |
0210 298 7728 |
Private home |
Words! Words! Words! |
Janet Turvey |
1st and 3rd Wednesday
- 4:00pm |
Taradale Senior Citizens Hall |